Pre-Auction Technical Advisory

Pre-Auction Technical Advisory

Based on extensive experience in projects of electric power transmission lines, Engelineas’ team has successfully provided highly qualified advice to customers, interested in participating in bids and/or auctions, in order to build a solid technical basis for its offers and proposals, reducing uncertainties regarding the costs undertake. Among the frequent services, one can cite:


  • analysis of available technical documentation for the auction, including reports R1, R2, R3 and R4 for the Brazilian ANEEL model
  • proposal of the main design criteria for the mechanical studies of the TL aiming optimization;
  • basic electrical studies aiming bundle optimization, insulation coordination and ROW optimization;
  • evaluation of cost premises for components in order to optimize the TL on a global cost basis (not just on tower weight);
  • analysis of proposed TL routes focusing in the optimization of TL mechanical aspects (family of towers, foundations, etc.) using available satellite images;
  • numerical simulation of the terrain for the studied route aiming to obtain a realistic terrain profile to spotting simulation studies;
  • proposal of a tower family and estimate respective tower weights;